ITC 008 gyerekzár New: Parental Control New parental controls, which work with a simple password, include a wide variety of options including setting the maximum hours viewed per day before automatically shutting down. The Kid Pass allows the parent to set how long the viewing time of the set is for each day of the week. The times are set in 30 min increments and after the set has been on for the preset length of time it will shutdown. The password will need to be entered for set operation after the Kid Pass time has expired. Kid Pass is only available after the time is set. NOTE: The password can be reset if it is unknown. First make sure the TV is off. Then simultaneously press and hold VOL< on the TV’s front panel and CLEAR on the remote for approximately 5 seconds. Old: How to prevent kids using the TV set? Hold key Bon the remote control down for over 5 seconds until the red LED on the TV set flashes. The keys of the TV set are now locked and switching it on again will be possible by means of the remote control only. Keep the remote control out of the reach of children. To unlock the keys of the TV set, make use of the number keys on the remote control. The keys of the TV set will also remain locked after timer-programmed switching-off. The lock function will also be activated when the TV set is switched on standby or switched off with its On/Off switch before the time remaining until programmed switching-off is over.