Hi everybody,
I have Philips 40PFL7007K/12 on repair. TV does not start up. I have checked the PSU and it seams to be OK. There seam to be problem on the main board.
What I have tried…
Well, there is +3V3-STANDBY coming from PSU to main board. This feeds up the main processor. This voltage has also been used to switch TV on. I have checked that switching signal from POWER ON button goes back to main board. But I did not check this whole path towards the processor as it is BGA package and it is covered by ceramic cooling plate.
And here comes what is not clear to me.
1. How to check if the main processor works? Does it work on the +3V3-STANDBY when TV is is standby mode?
2. Can I somehow check if the PSU is working? May be by activating some pin?
3. I have noticed by measuring (ohm-meter) some capacitors on the main board (in circles on the picture) that there is very low resistance on them (4.5ohms). In the scheme it is shown that these capacitors are on the 1V5 (1.5V) line. Is this OK? Basically it does not give much current as I = 1V5 / 4R5 = 333mAmps. What do you think? Certainly there are low voltage data parts (RAM. Processor …) connected and such resistivity might be correct….?....
What I have also find that this 1V5 is split into 1V5M0 and 1V5M1. See the picture. I have removed the coils and measured resistance. Then 1V5M0 shows about 15ohms and 1V5M1 shows about 6,5ohms.
The service manual is on this link:
Thanks Martin
UNITED UTV-8028XASL 66cm (BEKO 11.1) TV pittyeg, zárlatos a BU508DF.
Atnezve az elkok, kicsereltem a tapban az elkot, BU melett 1uF/160V, vertikalisnal is volt egy rossz 100uF/50V, a booster kondi laba a cinezésnél lötyögött, na gondoltam megvan a hiba, BU508DF-t bele (100% jó szeriás), Tápfeszek jók. TV megy 10percig kép tökéletes, BU nem melegszik egy pillalnatban pedig lekapcsolodik a TV és ujbol zarlatos lett a BU.
Kb 10 eve ezelott javithatták (1cm porból itélve), akkor az elterito tekercs lett cserélve , meg az RGB panel szét volt törve, és azt szépen összevarták (nagyitóval átnéztem ott hiba nincs).
Kérdésem, hogyan tudnám kizárni (mint hibát) az eltéritô tekercs átütését?
Ha kicinezem a H-eltéritô tekercset kifogja azonnal lôni a BU-t, vagy esetleg rakjak sorba vele 10percig egy 10W-os ellenállást?
Mit ajánlatok?
szep napot
a nyomtatott aramkor foliazatbol hianyzik egy kis reszlet,potolni,dublorozni kellene
a letoltheto manualokon nincs a folia rajza,ezert kellene...