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25dc2660/21r kapcsolási rajz
Üdvözlet mindenkinek! Szeretnék segítséget kapni egy philips tv kapcsolási rajzhoz.A panel szám 25dc2660/21r. Noha találtam ilyet de djvu formátumban van, és mikor letöltöm, nem tudom megnyitni djvu reader-rel. Előre is köszönöm a segítséget...üdv.:Lewy
Sony KDL-37EX402 the TV in dead, no LED, motherboard problem.

The TV does not show any sign of life , I started the troubleshoot as this , no power Led, no reaction when pressing the power button.

I checked the Power coming out from the power supply, the 3.3V_standby is correct and steady, then I checked the 1.2V_standby produced by IC6001 which Is good as well.

So I decided to control the main IC , IC4000 , he does not output any oscillation on the Xtal, Then I am now bloacked there.

The schematic is downloadable on this  website , the schema is weird because the processor is not represented with any Xtal output, but obviously it has one.

Thanks you for your hint and help.
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