One of the great problem of our time is the e-waste.
Unfortunately, more and more are being created, which mostly end up somewhere on the African continent. :(
But the destination is not only Africa, the e-waste also goes elsewhere.
I would like if this site could assist in making this type of pollution can decrease somewhat.
I got number of positive indication, I hope it is indeed possible.
Short history of the site:
In 2004 I started fixing monitors for my pc recycle friend and since I did not have service manual I started looking for them on the net to collect the necessary information. I had the money I gave.
After ~1.5 years the repair stopped, but in the meantime I also tried to systematize the collected materials. Roughly thus started this site, which already has undergone a few wrinkle lifting... the first version looked like this.
In this way I would like to say thanks to everybody who helped create this community,
In addition, thanks for those manufacturers who allow that their service manuals help to reduce e-waste!
Some words about using of the site:
Unregistered users download 10 service manuals per day.
Registration by only invitation (you can obtain invitation from friendship, colleagues...).
Furthermore you can register to the site if you fill up a simple electricity test.
If you want, upload manuals.
I can not assume responsibility for uploaded files and contained information! Download and use or upload them at your own risk!
Please upload older than 3 years old service manuals only, furthermore do not upload any documents intended for internal use (signed only internal use or confidential), and please do not upload files from official service network either.
Thank you for your understanding!
All repair advice in the forum or on message board everyone uses only their own responsibility!
The lack of expertise or misinterpretation or any damage resulting from faulty council I am not responsible for!
Multiple registration is not allowed, exclusion entails!
Are you sick of the consumer society? The industrial wastes? Do something against it! Become JUGAAD!
You do not know what it means? Check out this little movie and enlightened:

The site language is hungarian, but you can write in english, if it is easier for you. ;)
If you have any questions about the site:

These programs may be necessary if you can not open the downloaded manual!
I am glad that the site can really help reduce e-waste.
I recently received the following letter:
Hello! I am in the United States. I recycle things and try to repair instead of throwing away. I'm not qualified in any sense of being certified by any training facility, academy or community college but have managed to attain a fair degree of basic useful knowledge in my ~ 6 decades of life. I've frequently fixed things which have been "repaired" by certified repair technicians for high pay but which were in-fact not fixed. I once repaired the washing machine by disassembling the staked-together frame of the "wig wag", substituting two coils scrounged off a discarded unit in a vacant lot, staked the frame back together and it's worked longer since I did that than it did between the time it was manufactured and first failure of that item. This is a typical pattern in my life. I recently obtained a ViewSonic LCD monitor ( VP-140 ) at a thrift-store for only $4 U.S. Yes, it was missing the "wall wart" and had a lot of roach feces and even old roach exoskeletons on it, but it was cheap. The power connector was of a type which doesn't match the terminations of any of my power supplies of that voltage and current class so I soldered wires onto the PCB connections for the jack and inspected the interior for any unwanted "hitchhikers" while I was at it ( bedbugs are becoming a big problem in the U.S. lately and while I have brown-banded cockroaches and have for years, there are other invasive types which will take over a house which I don't want! ) and found the panel to be functional when connecting the wires to my best-fit supply. Success! I didn't really need to repair anything on it but I do look for information/reviews on such acquisitions online since I have a connection and can. I found your site and downloaded the portable document format file manual you had for it. That gives me a lot of information not only on this monitor but a lot of general information which may be of assistance in repairing other such monitors I may come across as time goes by. Thanks! My household income has recently plummeted dramatically but I'm hoping to remedy that soon ( though you don't find many employers willing to hire people who are "older than dirt" like I am ; ' ) and I will be keeping you in-mind for a little donation if and when employment comes my way. Meanwhile please accept my thanks and since you are Hungarian based you may have swayed my opinion toward a certain product of Hungarian manufacture which I had been considering and later decided against in favor of a similar item manufactured in Bulgaria. I still prefer the steel to the alloy frame though... Good luck to you. I don't like the throw-away consumer culture and used to use a bicycle for transportation whenever I could---one salvaged from someone's trash. A family situation dictated that I must drive a car for transportation for a period of years where my ability to continue to function normally prohibited cycling for transportation---I just couldn't afford to be in the injured/disabled list during that time and cycling in traffic here can be very dangerous, even just from the poor condition of those parts of the road upon which cyclists are legally required to confine themselves when there is no extraordinary circumstance which would allow one to "seize the lane"---a practice I abhor as motorists are already hostile-enough towards cyclists and the over-use of that legal ability only contributes to the hostility. Hopefully now that my former situation is over I can return to cycling which is also a blow against the profligate-use/throw-away-consumerism culture I find so disgusting. Please accept my wishes for your enjoyment of Xmas, Solstice or whatever other mid-winter holiday you may ( or may not ) prefer to observe. Thanks again for providing the download of the ViewSonic manual! --'thumpaliver" |