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LG 72LM9500-SA CH.LJ23J

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  • Also known:
    LG CH.LJ-23J 72LM9500SA CH.LJ23J 72 LM 9500 SA CH.LJ 23 72LM9500
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LG 26le3308 doesn't power up
Hi everybody, my first post here.
I've found on this site many information and the service manual about the TV in subject, but I stumbled upon a strange issue.
I repaired the earphone socket (pic attached) that had been stripped away and now the TV doesn't power on, it only gives a short beep when you touch the power on button and nothing happens using the remote. I checked the usual things (audio paths, cracked solderings, damaged tracks, power supply, power rails), but I cannot found what's wrong.
Any idea/clue on what to (double) check this time?

Thanks in advance smiley

Resoldered earphone socket
Resoldered earphone socket
Chassis label
Chassis label
Board label
Board label
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