I got a broken Panasonic that will not start. It does show the red front LED and the power supply delivers 5,3Volt standby. Only when you try to start by remote or push button on the set it will only flash the red LED and does nothing more.
After a while, the red LED will start to flash repeatedly 13 times.
Since the 5,3 Volt standby run straight to the main board I wanted to check there but no luck finding the schematics.
Any insights?
After several attempts the TV finally started and I could enter the menu screen. Normal functionality. But after switch off it takes again several attempts. What is going on ?
Panasonic TX-P42U20E plazma készenlétből nem indul. Relé kattan és a készenléti LED pirosan 1-es hibakódot villog.
Egyszer volt olyan, hogy elindult, kb 3 percig jól is működött, de 6-os hibakóddal leállt.
A tápban 1000uF 230V enyhén púposnak tünik, de cserélve semmi változás .
Y-on nem látok zárlatot.
Üdv: Wolf
Üdv a tisztelt Kollégáknak!
A fenti monstrummal lenne egy kis gondom. A hiba amivel hozták, hogy a kép bemákosodik. Előszőr csak kb 1 óra után csinálta de mikor idekerűlt akkor már csak fél percet bírt. Teljesen elmegy a képe, de nem elhangolódik mert finom hangolással se lehet beállítani ezután.
Szerintem olyan mintha agc problémája lenne. Valakinek van valami tapasztalata?
UI: Tunert cseréltem benne de nem változott a helyzet.
Köszönöm Zoli
This elderly monster arrived with the error “ 4 blinks “ which the manual suggests is a power board fault
There are TWO power boards and a standby power board inside
On removing rear cover there were two swollen 220uf caps on the standby board, sadly replacing them the 4 blinks remained
Swapping the two power boards over[ as they look identical , gives a “ 2 Blink “ error , the limited info in the manual suggesting that the fault is on the lower board [ main 2 ]
Both boards have a PFC voltage of around 380 volts at switch on before the relays click out
I have done cold checks on both boards and there are no obvious differences
As the manual has only a block diagram of the power supply it’s difficult to be sure of values / voltages
Has anybody seen or worked one of these or similar beasts and managed to diagnose the problem
Thanks for looking
Regards Ken