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" Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault FindingEN 12 TCM2.0E LA5.
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding
Index of this chapter:
5.1 Test Points
5.2 Service Modes
5.3 Error Codes
5.5 Service Tools
5.1 Test Points
This chassis is NOT equipped with test points in the service
printing. No test points are mentioned in the service manual.
5.2 Service Modes
The Service Mode feature is split into different parts:
• Service Alignment Mode (SAM).
• Service Default Mode (SDM).
• Customer Service Mode (CSM).
SDM and SAM offer features, which can be used by the Service
engineer to repair/align a TV set. Some features are:
• Activates the blinking LED procedure for error identification
when no picture is available (SDM).
• Make alignments (e.g. white tone), (de)select options,
enter options codes, reset the error buffer (SAM).
• Display information (“SAM” indication in upper right corner
of screen, error buffer, software version, options and option
codes, sub menus).
The CSM is a Service Mode that can be enabled by the
consumer. The CSM displays diagnosis information, which the
customer can forward to the dealer or call centre. In CSM
mode, “CSM”, is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
The information provided in CSM and the purpose of CSM is to:
• Increase the home repair hit rate.
• Decrease the number of nuisance calls.
• Solved customers' problem without home visit.
5.2.1 Service Alignment Mode (SAM)
How to Enter
To enter SAM, use the following method:
Press on the remote control the code “062596” directly
followed by the “INFO” key.

After entering SAM, the following screen is visible, the values
can be adjusted according to the requested (see Chapter 8"

Szóval a saját távirányítóján az INFO gomb helyén időzítő óra jele látható. Ha beütöm a 062596 kódot, az első két szám után jön az üzenet, hogy nincs ilyen csatorna, de ha nem hagyom abba, és végig nyomom a 6 számjegyet, majd az INFO gombnak megfelelőt. (Megkerestem a képét a NET-en) akkor sem lép be.
Van valakinek ötlete, vagy más kódja?
Előre is köszönöm!

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