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PHILIPS 14PV-110 202 220 227 350 353 354 358 20PV230 21PV-340 548 37TR-210 220 37TVB60 51TR300 51TVB70 31027852188 EPSILON2001

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PHILIPS 14PV-110 202 220 227 350 353 354 358 20PV230 21PV-340 548 37TR-210 220 37TVB60 51TR300 51TVB70 31027852188 EPSILON2001 service manual (1st page)
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    PHILIPS 14PV110 202 220 227 350 353 354 358 20PV230 21PV340 548 37TR210 37TVB60 51TR300 51TVB70 14 PV 110 20 230 21 340 37 TR 210 TVB 60 51 300 70 EPSILON 2001 14PV 21PV 37TR 14PV-110 21PV-340 37TR-210
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Üdvözlet fórumtagok!

Van egy Philips LC7.1E PA projektoros TV-m.
A kijelző jobb oldalán két függőleges színes csík
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A mintaképet mellékeltem.
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