Elado egy samsung tv 100 Euroert - hibaja: mukodes kozben neha ki es be kapcsol.Ennek a javitasahoz kernem a segitsegeteket.
Van nálam egy ilyen TV javítás alatt az a baja hogy Stand-by üzemben sípol a tápja ha be van kapcsolva a TV akkor semmi gond vele.
Elkókat cseréltem benne de továbbra is ez a gond.
Mi lehet a hiba mit nézzek meg benne még?
SIP400B táp van benne.
Fent említett 2éves tv. nemes egyszerűséggel úgy döntött, hogy többé nem indul el (haver használtan vásárolta). Ledje is sötét. Táp mérve jónak tűnik, már amit rajz nélkül ki tudtam méricskélni. Mintha standby-ban lenne, de akkor is kéne világítania a lednek. Mainboard-ra gyanakszom, csatin megvan a standby-hoz való 8.5Volt, 13V kéne legyen ha elindulna, de sehol máshol nincs feszültség. BN41-02443A lenne a main száma, a táp száma: BN96-35336A, kijelző: CY-GJ048HGLVCH. Van-e valakinek valami ötlete, akár egy ilyen main-je? Kösz: Csaba
Hi, my SAMSUNG UE40D5000 tv doesn' t work anymore. The red led light indicating that the tv is plugged is not powered when I plug in the tv. The original power board modem is BN44-00473B. I have checked the voltage on the connector to the mother board of the tv, and it was 0 instead of 5.3V or 13V on the different pins, with the fuse still working and no obvious overheated part on the power board and no bulging capacitor seen neither.
I have then changed the power board with a used one bought on ebay, which model BN44-00473A is said to be compatible. It has then worked perfectly 2 days until yesterday. This morning I had to move a little bit the tv, what I did very gently, and got really disappointed as I plugged it and didn't see the red led light on anymore.
Since this morning, the power board seems to be broken once more ( I have moved from my original flat 1 week ago and don't have a multimeter to check once more that the fuse is ok and what are the voltage on the connector to the mother board )
I am wondering if this new power board failure is just bad luck, 2 days after receiving this other power board circuit ( that is a used unit, not brand new) or if the mother board could have damaged it. In the first case I would send the power board back to the seller, otherwise I will probably give up as I don't have time and skills to repair the tv.
My question is : do you think the mother board or another unit connected to it, can damage the power board ?
Thanks for your help and answers !