Hi friends,
I would like to make adjustments to my Sony DSC-F717.
According to service manual, the service remote is attached via CPC jig, where a 2,5mm LANC port is mounted. I'd like to DIY a improvised jig.
Exact detail of the jig is not provided, but clearly it is a 22-pin FPC splited into many measure points and a LANC port. Also learned from the manual that LANC signal to/from CPC is splited into 2 lanes, IN and OUT, while 2,5mm LANC port only has 1 (bidirectional) data bus. I wonder if these 2 signals are mixed by additional circuits on the jig.
If someone can post a back (trace-side) photo of CPC12, the mystery will be solved and it will be much appreciated, thanks in advance!
SONY CCD-TRV46E kamerához keresek rajzot.Probléma az, hogy erősebb fényben túl vezérlődik.Az optikában van egy kis motor ami két kis ajtóval szabályozza a beérkező fényt ezek letörtek.
Köszönöm előre is a segítságet.
Hello everybody,
Sony CCD TRV-238E camcorder has two issues, first, a wire in the harness( PD-124) is almost cut, which causes bad contact in the LCD panel, I've tried to used a sort of glue to fix it but without success, soldering the two parts is almost impossible ( see picture), the area is too tight.
Second, when the connexion for standard flexible are cut it is possible to scratch the two parts and connect them with extension wire and welding, but in the case of the CONTROL KEY BLOCK's flexible which is used to connect the CONTROL KEY BLOCK to the mainboard, connexions are not made of copper! (carbon maybe, trying to polish will destroy them!), actually, they are worn out (see picture).
Because these spare parts are no longer available in my country, please I need your advice to fix harness and CONTROL KEY BLOCK's flexible.
I'm looking for service manual for SONY PXW-Z190V / PXW-Z190T professional camcorder.
Be so kind if you have it to give me a download link for it.
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
Tibor Mendrei