Most került hozzám a gép EW hibával, kb 10-10cmrel kissebb a kép. Találtam benne egy zárlatos C5480 tranzisztort, ezt hol lehet beszerezni, elfogatható áron, vagy helyettesítő? Még valami elszokott-e szállni, ami miatt ez tönkre ment? Segítségeteket előre is köszi!
Screenshots of problem here in the post.
Picture of screen with both cables to panel from TCON connected, and the other is with one side disconnected.
I have read the cables from the TCON to the display loosen up on the end to the panel. I believe as I am working on moving the cables around, the picture is improving
and getting clearer. So I think thats the problem. Someone mentioned using tape over them to hold them to the panel better. I have not taken the metal frame off to
look at them, but there is a narrow gap where I read some people stuff cardboard in there to press down on them better.
Has anyone ever seen this issue and come up with a good way to resecure the cables?
Sony KV29FX30E tv be,keresek kifogástalan ,jól müködő belsőt FE2 sasszé.
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