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Samsung TV GU55AU7179uxzg Does not Switch on suddenly
Hello everyone,

i am new to the forum and i would like to save a TV from the dumpster. I figured out that IC207 is broken on the mainboard of this TV. Does anyone have a schematic for these kind of TVs or even have the same and knows what IC this is? I presume it is a voltage regulator. The TV is totally fine but does not turn on any more. The power supply is perfectly fine. I desoldered this IC as it was getting very hot and was the only issue i found.

Thank you!!!
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DO NOT ask for a car radio code in the forum!
If you are not familiar with electronics, DO NOT attempt the repair!!
You may even suffer a fatal electric shock! Contact a specialist!


Have you read it? - kalex moderator

--> I corrected it. Thanks for pointing out!
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