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Tisztelt Kollégák! Grundig TV-hez keresek BG 2087-642-1006 számú sokszorozót, illetve beszerzési lehetőséget, mert már 2 db is kellene. Előre is köszönöm a segítséget! Üdv: Laci
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WISI Orbit WS10 Satfinder
I recently bought a digital Satfinder , when i found out later ,my former used (and foreotten)
defective "WISI Orbit WS10 Satfinder."
This was't a too bad deal, because  i rememered ,
the built-in ACCU-Bateries are all damaged.(too old)
But if they are renewed it might work OK again. Otherwise if the ACCU-Bateries are removed ,
it should work with the WISI Powersupply attached..
If someone needs a Service Manuual (  6,9 MB no upload pdf ,only via p.m. , due to size limit)
and UserGuide (both german), you will find this last one attached
with some device fotos.
Best regards Norbert
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