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VIZIO TV E470-AO Will not turn on, There is no 12 volts on pins present.
I have checked the pin out voltages on the power board and I have no 12 volt output. Can someone please help me back trace the 12 volt path so I can determine what has failed on the board. This is my first attempt at doing this so I am a real rookie novice but very willing to learn. 

Thank you in advance,

IMPORTANT! Choose a forum topic name that is eloquent, as closely as possible to what you are writing about. One possible good name is eg: ORION LCD PT26S chassis 17MB12-2, the power does not start It is not enough to eg "LG LCD TV" or "HP laptop" and the like. The title should not contain uninteresting, irrelevant information either! Incorrectly named topics will be suspended and then deleted after 48 hours! While suspended, others will not be able to post until you correct the address. The incorrect address can be subsequently corrected (within 48 hours) by clicking on the "Edit" tab.

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A hiba nincs kép, osd nincs, háttérvilágítás van, hang van csatlakoztattam egy monitort scartra monitoron van kép. Tápegység rendben szerintem,  lcd modulra gyanakszom rajzot adatott az ickről sem találtam. Az lcd modulon zárlatos kondi nincs, a mért feszültségek nem egyértelműek számomra, ezért próbáltam az ick adatlapját letölteni, de nem találtam.
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