Hello to everyone!
Thanks in advance if someone can help)
I have a problem with replacement of malfunctioned final amplifier at Cascade BE7944.
It is play sounds through front loudspeakers with distortion.
It is not a problem with wires (I have tested it them with ohmmeter) and loudspeakers (brand new).
I have replaced with Traffic pro and it worked fine.
Radioengineer has announced the verdict - problem with final amplifier and it is must be replaced, and preferably with service manual or schematic, which I do not have. And I did not allow him to unassemble my Becker just "for to watch how it is looks from inside")
The problem is following:
1. Do someone have and can share with me with service manual or schematic of Becker Cascade BE7944.
2. As far as I understand BE7944 is further development of schematic Audio 10 ECE Typ 6011 (or 4011), which service manual is available at Internet - can I use it as general background for BE7944?
3. At present time unfortunately there is no possibility to find original MLT TDA 7454, only CHN or unnamed versions. I do not want to install that, but according to datasheet for TDA 7454 it can be replaced with TDA 738 *. And TDA738 * can be raplaced with TDA 7560 or TDA 7850 (in my case TDA 7851 L). If it is possible to replace TDA 7454 with TDA 7851 L and with which modifications? And will I not lose the “Backer surround” function?
4. Any other suggestions? Please withought "sell this dinosaur"
I have written to Harman / Becker with this problem but still no answer ...
Thanks to all!
Keresek nevezett készüléket hiánytalan, működő, vagy javítható állapotút.
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valaki megtudná mondani a pontos sorrendet??
üdv: egon
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A karcsú sertés