Note: This Model and CUC220, CUC720 almost identical
My family b. this TV in 80'
And worked ~15 years
In 90' Black screen ... with Pot. in 100% Brightness, Contrast.
In the end 90' puff doesn't work at all.
Someone try repair but ... the same black screen.
They reported ... try fix and get > Brightness
In past 6 months, I repaired and new life come from the set, but now we get too much Brightness
In your opinion ... the person try Adjust ... fix what?
ABL - Automatic Brightness Limiter setup, regul.?
R2533 R2538?
Thank you for your comments, info.
Please your comments:
Brightness and Colour Pot. -> OK
But Contrast Pot.: I can' rise ... NO FOCUS and
washed out -> I only see a Blank RASTER.
Best Regards,
Super Color A 7100
The other sub-models in pag.1 - pdf
right bottom
The screen is black ... and we notice from time to time (when the image is very brig.) some small part of image.
Very few dots.
I tested the G1 2X V, G2 5XX V, Heather - G and J Volts in the neck of Cinesc.
Power Supply I tested +A 115 V, +C 200 V , +B 12V, +M 19V
In Pag. 6 - SSB and SB? T2533
Thank you,
Work with servers - OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Linux.
Love Oscilloscope :-) , Repair, Satellite Dish, Multimeters.
Have a Big Satellite Dish farm.
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to repair a philips 55PUS7809 with power but no picture.
After disassemblying it, I found out that a Q3 transistor had blown away on the T-Con board réf. 6870C-0502B (LG Display)
Anyone could help me finding the diagram of this board?
Thanks a lot.
04/07/2019 : I ordered the board on aliexpress.com
10 days after, I received a refurbished board with one inductor case broken. Also I had to pick up a LVDS lever from the old board to replace one missing
on the new board.
After plugin everything back, Tv is working again !!
Bought 1400€ 5 years ago, I'm happy to fix it with only 8€ (shipment included)
THanks Aliexpress !!!
24D6 S/N :15F00817 main:(T.VST59S.95) DUMP
hoztak hozzám egy Sencor fantázianevű led tv-t aminek annyi tünete volt hogy bekapcsolás utána a Sencor felirat megjelenik, majd pár másodperc után újraindul. A következő linről http://www.ebastlirna.cz/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=69778 letöltött firmware USB-re másolva sajnos fordított képpel elindul a gép de a színek is olyanok mint ha 16színes lenne. Ezen a linken http://www.elektroda.pl/rtvforum/topic3262738.html#16010149 le lehet még egy firmwaret tölteni de sajnos nem tudom. Ha valaki esetleg letudná nekem nagyon megköszönném.
Üdv.: Irkax
Megoldva Balage és Skorpio kolléga segítségével.