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SONY SLV-E 170,150,580 betöltő motor tengelyén lévő műanyag elrepedős alkatrész!
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NEC DS8000U getting an error trying to upload to ElektroTanya

I have an owner's manual for a NEC DS8000U VCR which I bought simply to get the model number of the remote control.  I was hoping to upload scans of it to help others as it does not seem to be available for download anywhere.  However I cannot upload to ET, when I do so I get the error message

Upload Failed!
This filename already exists.
If you want to upload anyway try to rename the file and upload again.

File was named "NEC DS8000U Owners Manual.pdf"

What am I doing wrong here?  I've tried renaming the file as well, and searching ET for "DS8000U" doesn't give any results.

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