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LG TV MAIN-MC-059B 6870VM0530D 0 041030ALLIN CPU VCT4921IPZ F 100 EEPROM OK

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    LG TV CPU OK MAINMC059B VCT4921IPZ 100 EEPROM MAINMC 059 6870 VM 0530 041030 ALLIN VCT 4921 IPZ MAIN MC 059B
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LG 42LN5200, EAX65142403(1.2)  EBT62664601, LG 42LN5200 dump, EAX65142403(1.2) dump, EBT62664601 dump, .bin, .eep, .e2p, .hex, bin, bootloop, download, dump, eeprom, EMMC, error, factory reset, fail, firmware, fix, Flash, LCD, LED, mainboard, memory, NAND, Programmer, repair, reset, restart, RT809H, Service Menu, Smart TV, Software, SPI, SPI Flash, TNM5000, Turn off, Update, USB, HY27UF081G2M, TDSS-G501D(B), 6870C-0452A Halogen Free, DYnamic ND0-V0 E150630, LC500DUE-SFR1_Control, EAD61858752, LG 42LN5204, EBR77476601, H5TQ2G63GFR, H5TQ2G83GFR, H5TQ2G33CFR, LG 42LN5240-ZA, EAX65142402(1.2), EBU62134503, EAX65142403(1.0)
Mainboard:  EAX65142403(1.2) EBT62664601
Panel:          LC420DUE (SF)(R5)
T-CON:        6870C-0452A Halogen Free DYnamic ND0-V0 E150630
Tuner:          TDSS-G501D(B)
EEPROM:    24C256 - IC104
NAND:         HY27UF081G2M - IC102
SPI Flash:    MX25L8005 - IC1300

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