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Relevant AUDIO forum topics:
Pioneer VSX922K nem kapcsol be..

Hozzám került egy ilyen 7.2 Házi mozi Erősítő ami sajna nem kapcsol be csak az elején villog egy piros led meg is találtam a bűnöst az erősítő panelon el van égve 3db ellenállás meg 2db tranzisztor zárlatos sajna ez ideáig rajzot nem találtam hozzá ami meg itt van az sajna nem teljes csak 7 oldalból áll ha valaki tudna segíteni esetleg rajzot hozzá szerezni az jó lenne ..
ONKYO TX-DS494 low volume problem solving experience
Hello. here is a message to share my experience in solving a problem that appeared on the home-cinema amplifier ONKYO tx-DS494. In order to sell this amplifier I had to check if all the outputs and all the functions works properly. On the back of this amplifier you have to frontal output : A and B. I connect a pair of speaker on A output : no problem. I can adjust volume. when i connect the pair to the b output and turn the volume knob no sound came out of the speakers until I reach a level defined by I don't know what. :hmmm: My volume level goes from 0 to 80db ( if I remember well ). from 0 to 23 db no sound and when I reach 24 dn sound increase and stabilize. With hearphone connected, i don' have this problem so I conculde that amplifing transistor could not be incriminated. I checked on the service manual and saw that there are two or three component that could be the source of the problem : the main processor, some capacitors on the output PCB and relays. I began testing capacitors: no pb. then I thought that if cannot be the main proc because it ( I think ) works in a binary mode: it works or it doesn't. so I decided to switch between themselves the two relay and :super: : it works. The relays was in fault and did not switches properly. here is my experience in repairing an amplifier
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innen a tanyáról  letölthetö a rajz:

Azt az egy oldalt sajnos nem tudom kimásolni chromeból, és feltölteni ide

Ha valaki tudna segiteni....

A megoldás:
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