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PANASONIC ITD0911159BE PDP-2009 TH-P65V10H VER.2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING service manual (1st page)
Preview of PANASONIC ITD0911159BE PDP-2009 TH-P65V10H VER.2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING [1st page]
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PANASONIC ITD0911159BE PDP-2009 TH-P65V10H VER.2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING service manual (2nd page)
Preview of PANASONIC ITD0911159BE PDP-2009 TH-P65V10H VER.2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING [2nd page]
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    PANASONIC PDP-2009 PDP2009 THP65V10H ITD 0911159 BE PDP 2009 THP 65 10 TH P65V10H TH-P65V10H
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RGB Mod in Panasonic CTP-2780SF CRT

I posted here a while ago but no answers:

Made some good progress, but there seems to be a sync problem.
I posted to the EEV blog for more help:



Any help or feedback appreciated.

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