Elvileg ma viszik el őket, de ha mégse akkor érdekel valakit?
Valaki rajtam kívül keresett sa-950 rajzot.Annyit tudok segíteni,hogy a Pioneer
oldalárol letölthető az sa-620 rajza.Ez közel azonos vele/elő,végfok/,a feszültségértékek mások.
Üdvözlet a kollégáknak ! Sony TC KE240 kazettás magnó trafója elromlott nem tudom megállapítani a szekunder oldali háromféle feszültség nagyságát, ehhez kérnék segítséget.. köszönöm !
i have a very nice vintage DBX BX3 amp on which at least one channel fused.
power transistors literally burned down.
it is a very nice piece of hardware (4 channels with BTL capability 4x125W or 2x300W)
I would like to fix it myself. Having an electronic engineering degree, i think I should be able to undertake that venture but I never practiced (i've been in software for the last 40 years...)
So I need some guidance on the methodology to diagnose and track what went wrong.
I do have a scope, signal generator and I guess all required tools, as well as the schematics of the amp.
what I need is some help on locating the key parameters to measure and how to incrementally explore the different stages of the amp to find the faulty sections.
I guess I need to isolate the different sections of the amp but then, what ?
any help and advice will be highly appretiated.