Ebben a nyomdában szószerint elpukkant a PWR rwgulátor IC. Ez egy 6 lábú I2-pak -6F lábú /hasonló a TO-220-5F hez/. Az IC úgy pukkant el, hogy nincs meg a týpusjelzése.
Kérem, ha valaki tudja, vagy valakinek van ilyen nyomdája és megtudná nézni, hogy milyen ez a IC, segítsen. Vagy ha valaki tudja hol található a tápegység rajza, nagyon megköszönom.
A fenti nyomtató időnként elakad,közben erősen kattogó hangot hallatva.Ha oldalba ütögetik egy darabig megint jó lessz.
Szétszedve nem látok lekopott vagy törött alkatrész,igaz még a fixálót nem bontottam szét.
Ismeri valaki?
Üdv: Wolf
ADMINISTRATOR: Please move this to the appropriate forum. The forum titles are in Magyar and I cannot understand them.
The Samsung CLP-310/315 and CLX-3175/3178 are great color laser printers and can be had quite inexpensively. But a set of replacement cartridges can cost more than the printer.
Refill toner is very inexpensive--I use Meritline.com but there are other sources--but the cartridges contain an I2C EEPROM which records page count. You can refill the cartridge but it will still be reported as exhausted.
A quirk of the printer design is that the original cartridges that come with the printer have no EEPROMS; their counts are stored in system EEPROM. With a simple modification to the printer you can erase these counts and cause the printer to accept any cartridges for multiple reuses.
This is documented at http://rumburg.org/printerhack/ . I've done this to two printers and it has worked well for me.
Larry M
Itt van az angol leirasa is,hogy hogy hasznald a progit.ha valami nem stimmel szoljatok.
Mindenesetre a firmwaret nezzetek meg.hogy melyik es hasonlitsatok ossze a programban levovel es ha ujabb akkor irjatok le,hogy melyik es de hasznaljatok a progit.
Ez univerzalis resetelo de az ujabb kiadasoknal(nyomtatoknal) lehet nem mukodik de az sem akadaly,ELRENDEZZUK.
Hasznaljatok egeszseggel.
It must be "1.13fix" not "1.13"!
To solve problem you need to download PATCHED by scx4300.exe 1.13 firmware where additional reset procedure was implemented in.
To patch firmware you need to unpack archive in any folder then open commad line interface go to this folder then type "fix4300.exe SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd".
If no error occurs you will find file "FIX_SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd".
It's a patched firmware.
The next step is to download this file to printer.
Enter TECH mode activate download by "Menu > Data Setup > Flash Upgrade > Local [OK]" then type in command line "usbprns2.exe FIX_SCX4300_V1.13_Fact_romdl.hd" to start download.
During download printer displays: Data receiving > Flash erasing > Flash Programming > Checksumming > Download Ok then printer will restart.
It's all.
To reset all counters and unblock printer enter Tech mode go Data Setup > Clear counters.
In this menu you will find "Clear All CNT" instead of "Total Page CNT".
Choose "Clear All CNT" then press [OK].
Printer will display "warming up" and LED will yellow for seconds then change to green.
After reset all counters in report will be zero and toner 100%.
You may repeat this procedure as soon as you need.