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SHARP 27N-S100 7N-S180 CN27S10 CN27S14 CN27S18 CHASSIS SN-91 SM

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SHARP 27N-S100 7N-S180 CN27S10 CN27S14 CN27S18 CHASSIS SN-91 SM service manual (1st page)
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SHARP 27N-S100 7N-S180 CN27S10 CN27S14 CN27S18 CHASSIS SN-91 SM service manual (2nd page)
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  • Also known:
    SHARP SN-91 27NS100 7NS180 CN27S10 CN27S14 CN27S18 CHASSIS SN91 27 NS 100 180 CN 10 14 18 SN 91 27N S100 7N S180 27N-S100 7N-S180
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A fenti gépben kijelző csere volt,de a vesa jeida átállítást a szervizmenüben csak kikapcsolásig tartja meg.
Addig jó a kép is.
A kínai lap TP.MS6486.PB710

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