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Relevant TV forum topics:
Sony KDL52VL150 CCFL LCD - lines in picture
Screenshots of problem here in the post.

Picture of screen with both cables to panel from TCON connected, and the other is with one side disconnected.

I have read the cables from the TCON to the display loosen up on the end to the panel. I believe as I am working on moving the cables around, the picture is improving 
and getting clearer. So I think thats the problem. Someone mentioned using tape over them to hold them to the panel better. I have not taken the metal frame off to 
look at them, but there is a narrow gap where I read some people stuff cardboard in there to press down on them better.

Has anyone ever seen this issue and come up with a good way to resecure the cables?
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Sony Bravia
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Sziasztok! A fent nevezett tv működik, de a sztereo jelző ledek felváltva villognak, és egy idő után kikapcsol készenlétbe, és ilyenkor meg gyorsabban villognak a ledek. Az első led egyet, a második led pedig három villogást csinál, és kezdi elölről. Mi lehet ez hiba kód?
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