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Pioneer SA-V350 végerősítő mindkét kimenetén -18V van
Szintén javítani akarta már valaki az egyik oldalon hiányoztak a végtranzisztorok, a másik oldal nem lett bántva.
Sajnos oszciloszkópom nincs mert karácsonykor véletlen rátapostam a NYÁK-jára (megakartam javítani a tápját :)  )
Végfokok IRF640 2db, végfok tápja +/-48V, de az előfoké +58V/-48V (hihetetlen de séma szerint is ennyi).
Mindkét oldalon ugyanazok voltak a feszültségek. 
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Méregettem pár feszültséget és beírtam a rajzra pirossal.
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Grundig YB-P 2000 not working on AM bands
Hi All,
Does anyone have any experience of working on this radio, its the small Grundig with a leather case designed by F.A. Porsche.
I have recently repaired one with corroded battery contacts which had obviously not worked for many years.
Its now working perfectly on FM, but MW and SW1 and SW2 have no reception, just noise.
If I leave the radio connected to a 5v power supply for many hours it does actually get some reception on AM, but its not consistent. I'm thinking the fault is somewhere in the 'front end', oscillator stage perhaps.
I have checked the AM coils and wave selector switch are OK and everything is visually in excellent condition. 
Reading various reviews on this radio confirms they were sold very cheaply in the USA and many customers have complained there is little or no sensitivity on AM, whilst others say it works perfectly. This makes me wonder if there is a common fault on these which someone may know, before I start with my test equipment to try to find the problem...

Any advice would be much appreciated!  
Videoton 8 ohmos hangfal mélysugárzó gumija kirohadt. 18cm.
Üdv'. Pótlásra, javításra szeretnék tippeket.
PA Amplifier TA-403E nem erosit,torzitja a hangot
kertek ennek az erositonek a javitasara,nem erosit,alig van hang,azis torzit
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amit ellenoriztem,a tap 35 v,a kimeno fokozatban a tranzisztorok jok,a meghajto tranzisztorok is jok,az eloerositovel folytatnam
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