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Hozzám került egy régi sirius de luxe rádió.  Sajnos a végfokban elhalt a két germánium páros. AC187K , AC188K , a polcon meg csak a GC511K PNP leledzik :)
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Egyik sávon sem. Sem az AM sem az FM oldala nem működik. PLL tuneres, "hangolni" lehet, de valójában teljesen hasztalanul.

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KRK VXT4 studio monitor speaker - mains hum. Schematics required
Hi - I have a pair of KRK VXT4 studio monitor speakers. Very expensive! When I stored them, they were working fine. When I tried to use a few days ago, one of them simply hums loudly at 50Hz. I have tried replacing the two 12000uF PSU capacitors, as I found on Google that sometimes they can become depolarised but this has not solved the problem. I am trying to find a schematic for both the main board (which has the PSU and the PA stage) and the pre-amp board. - Thanks, Kevin
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