Se trata de fallo localizado en placa E1205777-005 los elementos c1041 c1042 c1043 c1044 de valor 47 mF 25V los cuatro en mal estado y IC 612 e IC611 corroidos por acido de los condensadores electroliticos, me es imposible leer los valores de los mismos ; Y en el diagrama no figura la placa del receptor RX- 1010 JVC. Codigo placa según diagrama
E 12057-005
Alguien podria por favor ayudar a localizar los valores de estos transistores.
Victor TT-71, neon lamp does not light, speed is lower than normal. This is subsequent some short circuit the owner does inside the device. No further details.
I found out the VICTOR QL7 have the same motor driver amd I downloaded the service manual that I attached here in case this manual is not already uploaded.
Looking at the diagrams I found out that at TP3 (same with pin5 of IC803) instead if that rectangular signal, I have nothing but 5VDC and a negative or positive short spike whenever I'm starting or stopping the motor and
Under the circumstances I suspect IC803 is defective. The bad thing, IC803 is NPC SC8043. Also I wonder if the crystal is fine (except that I wonder what can be wrong with a crystal after some short circuit).
Does anybody have any more suggestion?
Also, where can NPC SC4043 be sourced? Also, a crystal 9.054MHz?
Thanks in advance,
Üdv mindenkinek, em tárgyban említett csodához keresnék jó állapotú bontott mechanikát, sajnos teljesen menthetetlen, minden segítséget köszönök további kellemes napot.
Még mindig keresek JVC, CA-MX1LBK doksit. Ha valaki tud esetlek olyan címet, ahol megvenni lehet, légyszi írjon.Köszi: Sziporka