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Invitation request

I'm from Azores Islands and I'm repairing cameras lenses.
I started doing that so I could get myself some cheap lenses for my recent hobby that is photography.
Recently I started repairing cameras also.
One of my main objective is to recycle all this photographic equipment that would end up in the bin.
Some times I take so long to repair a camera or a lens that the "final price" is far more higher than if I buy a good used one. But then I wouldn't have the pleasure to repair it :)
My recent project I successfully repaired a Sony A58 but when I put a lens the camera give me an error. From the past I realized that sony equipment needs some tuning to work properly and the service manual is a precious help for this.
In this site I found a service manual for the a57 that I think it could help me on this. But when I tried to download it it gave an error and then it says that the 2 daily attempts expired and I'll have to wait one more day :(
Is there anyone that could send me an invitation to register this site? If this site is as good as it looks probably I'll use it often.

My email is


öreg_rutinos picture

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