Hello dear can you supply electronics schematics or refer me to an electronics schematics for the boards below ?
A) VIDEOJET P/N 375080 REV GH and VIDEOJET P/N: 379355 REV AH? They come from INK JET MARKING MACHINE brand VIDEOJET EXCEL 2000 P/N: 390540-52 .
B) SATAKE AMPLIFIER II ASSY 469564 REV GH . They come from SATAKE machine model SM-800IE part # 490078-736
C) SATAKE BOARDS P/N: 466177, 464728, 465790, 465344, 465279, 465215, 465217, 465219, 465281, 465221, 464714, 464718, 464740, 464722, 464724, 466192, 466188, 464834, 464835, 465055, 465732, 464848, 464726, 464855, 465148, 464847, 466100, 466099. They come from SATAKE machine model SM-800IE part # 490078-736
Thanks to your support