I have a problem with my power amplifier.
Can any one assist me with this issue.
Every time I switch on the power amp switch the breaker trips.
I'am suspecting one of the bridge rectifiers to have a short.
Any body with same issue please need help.
Thank you.
as first you should provide us some basic measuring values. Without reference points we can`t even guess what is the problem with your amp. If you suspect on bridge rectifier you should measure with simple Ohmmeter does it in short between pins. Between AC pins you can`t measure because transformer`s sec is connected to them, first you must disconnect transformer. 2nd, measuring between -gnd+ would show you there is short there or not. If it is all OK try to measure output transistors between EC. Course, if some of them is damaged you are lucky else, problem is much more complex, without profi knowledge in amp repair you won`t succeed.
So, if you need help from us, please give us something, as first measured values.
Best regards