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Sziasztok! Hozzám került egy ilyen tv EURO-4 sasszival, természetesen nem indul egyenlőre a sorvég tranyót találtam hibásnak ami egy BU2508AX , itthon csak sima 508 vagy 2508DX-em van, beletehetem a DX-est? Köszi.
Panasonic TX-68PS20A GP3 chassis. No NTSC-M option?
Hello, I have a Panasonic TX-68PS20A 68cm (29") Television with a GP3 chassis. (Australian PAL model) The documentation I have found online says that the gp3 chassis supports VHF PAL-B/G and NTSC-M. However my tv doesnt support M audio. It just tunes the video and gives white noise through the audio since it's looking for B audio even though it's displaying ntsc video just fine. I have found no options for this in any of the service menus I've accessed. Am I missing something? I don't mind if I have to reflash something to make this work. Here is the pdf which I read the specs from, it's not for this model but a similar one with a gp3 chassis.
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Panasonic TV sorkimenő
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