Buongiorno. L'amplificatore come da titolo inserendo un segnale dai rispettivi ingressi in uscita non si sente nessun suono. Le tensioni allo stadio finale, servite da transistori sono corrette. ho notato che anche nella cuffia non si sente l'audio. Potreste per favore darmi qualche suggerimento in merito? Grazie.
Hi Friends
I am looking for a replacement for the Pioneer PAC0101A audio power IC which belongs to Pioneer VSX-D209 amplifier. This IC is available on ebay but because of currency exchange rate and freight charges to Malaysia, it is very expensive. On one of the websites, I saw that it was written PAC0101A=STK411-230E. I guess it means that the Pioneer PAC010A module IC can be replaced by a STK411-230E. I am not sure, is anyone familiar with this IC advice me whether this STK411-230E can safely be used as a replacement.
Pls assist
Sziasztok. Adott egy Pioneer xr-p3500 tipusu hi-fi torony, ami nem szolal meg. Odaig eljutottam , hogy az erosito panelen levo dual op amp (upc4570) nem kap tapfeszt. Ezt furcsamod nem a stabkockakrol kapja, hanem egy PAC006 tipusu ic-bol. Ebbe megy be a mute fesz is ami 4,6v, tehat nincs aktivalva a mute funkcio. Megis a +-12v-ot szolgaltato labakon 0 v van. Amit meg eszrevettem: a -12v-os stabkocka kimeneten csak -9,5v van. Ez egyben a PAC006 ic negativ tapfesze is. Lehet ez a problema?
Lenne ez a vég, néha melléklet szerint szól az egyik csatorna.
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