sziasztok segítsetek légyszíves ha valakinek van tapasztalata konvergencia probléma el vannak csúszva a színek 4 db 3.9 omh szakadt a 8 ból az STK 392-010 ic mellett.Mekkora az esélye hogy túlélték az ic k vagy rendeljem egyből az stk392-040-ket?válaszokat elöre is köszi
Hi, my SAMSUNG UE40D5000 tv doesn' t work anymore. The red led light indicating that the tv is plugged is not powered when I plug in the tv. The original power board modem is BN44-00473B. I have checked the voltage on the connector to the mother board of the tv, and it was 0 instead of 5.3V or 13V on the different pins, with the fuse still working and no obvious overheated part on the power board and no bulging capacitor seen neither.
I have then changed the power board with a used one bought on ebay, which model BN44-00473A is said to be compatible. It has then worked perfectly 2 days until yesterday. This morning I had to move a little bit the tv, what I did very gently, and got really disappointed as I plugged it and didn't see the red led light on anymore.
Since this morning, the power board seems to be broken once more ( I have moved from my original flat 1 week ago and don't have a multimeter to check once more that the fuse is ok and what are the voltage on the connector to the mother board )
I am wondering if this new power board failure is just bad luck, 2 days after receiving this other power board circuit ( that is a used unit, not brand new) or if the mother board could have damaged it. In the first case I would send the power board back to the seller, otherwise I will probably give up as I don't have time and skills to repair the tv.
My question is : do you think the mother board or another unit connected to it, can damage the power board ?
Thanks for your help and answers !
Vettem a készüléket az interneten, a lent csatolt képen látszik a hiba. Állítólag égett szaga volt. Gondoltam egy próbát megér. A rajza itt van a tanyán, valakinek vmi tippje? Még nincs nálam, de napokon belül levehetem a hátulját. Én sorhibára tippeltem először, mintha gerjedne.
Kedves kollégák!
A tápok rendben megvannak,háttér main nélkül beindul,készenlét nincs.
Mivel járulékos hálózati feszültség lökés érte,először is szeretnék rajta egy EMMC frissítést csinálni (nyilván az SPI tartalommal együtt). Ehhez keresek tartalmakat.
mainboard: BN41-02156A BN94-07307H