I'm in the U.S , I don't know where I would get an invitation!?!? In my social circle I am usually the pioneer, the one who brings new things to others, So ya ,, I will have to do this 'test' or what it is you are offering for membership.. Who am I ? = I am a person who is on a quest to advance man kind. My Dad always says,, "what are you up to?" me = "bla bla" then he says " oh ya , re-inventing the wheel again." ... I take everything apart and study it, fix it, or re-purpose it. Professionally I am a music composer, producer, mixing and mastering engineer. A video editor, and an expert technician of many trades. So my life is divided into categories, I create audio/write/record music(top notch sound quality btw!!), video editing and script writing. Plus I offer production and project management. bla bla .. but for the fun stuff , I am an inventor and I repair and re-purpose stuff.. electronics at the component level (now a days in america, a majority of electronics specialty shops just replace boards and know little about circuitry) AND mechanical items as well. Last week I finally have a fix for the apple Thunderbolt analog audio problem !! thank God !! I have the capacity to make parts to fix items with CNC/milling, lathe, plastic molds(which I make) etc, welding, Ion transfer etc... Why I am here is because this month I am studying the balance of circuitry and how this effects the harmonic structure of tone. I noticed that there is an AKG schematic you have on this site which is not on AKG's own website .. then I found other interesting things and wanted to download more so I could study offline,,, Sure I could wait and only download 2 per day,, but my time is severely limited and the opportunity is there(well, thats what you said).. I sleep little as most Americans are educated in such a specific manner that it prevents them from being able to repair the items that malfunction in their daily lives.... So they call me... Well the people that know me do... I would be overwhelmed beyond belief if i offered public service. I am already overwhelmed lol.... Ya I totally collect all the electronic stuff that people throw away, recycle what parts I don't want or need(which is minimal caz I use near everything, all the way down to melting the plastic into new shapes) Last week , I made a lock(the only part not custom made was the key cylinder) 2 guitar effect pedals. from old tv's and the stock car stereo's nobody wants. Plus started repairing a 12v, 15 or 16 band stereo EQ, that needs a power supply, new enclosure, and input/output wiring and terminals. It was trashed ... Heat+time+couple different car installations, rendered it useless. Its now gutted and I'm drawing the schematic for the enclosure and searching for a consistent set of switches for input and output. I have a recording studio so the stuff that get used here has to be low noise, pro sounding and aesthetically pleasing.... I already have the jacks chosen so once I get the balanced/ vs. unbalnced -10db and +4db input/output circuits installed, the next step is sound test with the 4 different power supply's I have chosen (So i can hear what the different power supplies will provide). supposedly much of the magic that they call the "Neve" sound is from the hand wound power supplies. So im going to find out what that is all about.... one is a transformer rectifier(ya kno ,, the normal one) One is a switching type from a nintendo game cube, which I have to find the soft start circuit(might be digital, might not/maybe resistance). another is a switching from a 4 bay port multiplier HD tower that crapped out( I think the Sil3132 chip is bad all checks out but doesn't address on computer) Lastly, is a new technology that I have created from the ground up. Completely new technology, but it needs one thing b4 its road ready and stable. So thats like 2 months out, and I want the EQ off my desk soon. Oh ya also I just picked up a 6000 KW generator which needs some love, been sitting outside on the dirt for near 30 years and supposedly the generator doesn't work. yes I said KW not KV. Haven't bothered yet to check what that means. It will get its time, when its time.. LATELY I've been collecting these CFL lamps,,,, YES YES ,, the little transistors in there are pretty nice... beefy little guys.. 1 amp in a TO-92 package for free is really cool. Today I had to replace one,, when I looked inside, I noticed that the larger electrolytic capacitor is heat damaged. the safety depressions on the top of the aluminum can is all popped out and it smells like its insides got roasted and expelled. I'm happy there is no PCB's here :) tells me the lamp probably works still... There is alot of useful stuff in these things. caps, diodes, mini xfrmr, ferrite ring.. ya ,, we need to save these things,, or definitely place them somewhere they can be used in the future... I want to see if I can setup a machine to re-compress the mercury vapor back into a liquid. Imagine if you had a large container full of these in a sealed metal box,,, when there all inside. break the glass and compress the air and hopefully get mercury metal??!!!?? replace the volume with another for easier compression!!?? i dunno. just an idea.... ALSO ALSO ,,, I don't know how active this site is, but maybe i'll check the forum from time to time and offer help to others... The google translate thing seems to work pretty good. English. yes English please... K gotta go peace nd chicken grease ,,,
-Mad Sci
Ugyan ezt légy szíves Magyarul is leírni akkor hátha többen megértik mit keresel.
Meghívót kér, leírja, hogy Amerikában él, és hobbiból szeret mindenféle készülékeket javítani újrahasznosítani, az ottani gyakorlattal ellentétben ő is szeret alkatrész szinten javítani, nem csak panel cserével foglalkozását tekintve hangmérnök. Úgy akadt rá az oldalra, hogy egy bizonyos AKG kapcsolási rajzot talált, ami a gyártónak se volt meg, és rájött, hogy mennyi sok érdekes dolog van itt még. Azt mondja a google translate szerinte elég jól működik, úgyhogy akár szívesen segítene a fórumban is.
üdv: mit gondoltok, küldjek neki?
Szia Bálint!
Küldj! Itt a helye.
szia: küldtem, de azt írja a kisokos, hogy valaki már küldött.