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Bang and Olufson Beolit 707 transistor radio service manual or any useful tips :)

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Salem picture

Hi guys.
I came across this site while looking for a service manual or guide for my Beolit 707. You have a PDF for download ( ) marked as Beolit 707 but when opened it is clearly for a Beolit 606.
When I took the covers off the unit for inspection and switch cleaning, I found an envelope glued to the inside of the front cover containing a contemporary double sided schematic which was handy but I'm looking for service information that would be useable by someone with modest experience. The unit seems to work but I feel it would benefit from a little fettling to improve reception and sound quality. 

zsugori picture


Salem picture

Hello :) 


Jaca picture

Hello! Do You see the link under the "Hi"? Click it!


SzBálint picture


Salem picture

Thanks for that. Your download contains some of what my document contains and some new stuff. Much appreciated. 


Saggitarius picture

Hi there,

Don't expect a high sensitivity from a more than 40 years old construction and from a portable equipment. According to description from internet, It's sound quality was exceptional comparing to others in the time of late '70s. Can you attach please that schematic what you found in the radio. Most likely I could pointing out those crucial components that can aged and might worth to replace them to result a better quality in operation. 


Salem picture

 Thanks for the reply. I later found that other radios in this series had the very same envelope glued to the inside containing the schematic so it must be a B and O thing. 
 My schematic is identical on one side as page 2 (marked 25) in the download, only mine is pin sharp being an untouched original. The other side is in 4 sections giving details not given in the download and should probably be added to it for others to use. 
The interesting part is what I think is an identification and location of all the adjustable parts like variable resistors and pots labelled MW osc., LW osc., MW ant., LW ant., center voltage pot., no load current pot., boxes marked pr. and sek. etc. I'm pretty sure this is the information someone who know what they doing would find useful. 
There is a different drawing of the power supply which although looks different I'm sure is in effect the same. 

 My scanner stopped working after windows XP so I'll have to find someone with a decent scanner to copy both sides and upload it here for you to see. I'll ask around after Christmas. 
 Thanks again. 


mosomedve picture

Alaikum Salem!


Salem picture

Hello :) 


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