Good ewenning. I have a gysmi 165, 230 Volts, buy in Zwitzerland, now, I live in Venezuela, the country is with 110 --120 volts.
oki, the inverter, works with 230 volts, dad means, Postiv 230, Neutrum end ground, the was workin in Zwitzerland kor,rectly.
Now in Venezuela, I conectet, Black 110, Blue 110 end green/yellow is ground.
The maschine works for a few seconds but they make a black out schortly.
The problem ist the input, maybe warm.
Question, what kann I do, to waldding, with out stop, Normaly I pusch the start, end they work, but, schortly make a gain blackout. Its posibel, to make somthing.
Thank a lot vor the posibel HELP.
it's a long time ago now... but i think 110V is not enough voltage for your device to make it work.
Maybe try with a 110V/230V transfo but you'll need a huge one to provide more than 2kW.
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