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BRYSTON 3B SST power amplifier right channel shut off

While Playing normally at about 1/4th volume setting, the RH Channel shut off (LED turned red) and the RH side heat sink was noticeably warm. Thereafter the RH channel does not turn on.
What could be wrong?

hifista picture

The fault cannot be repaired at home, a qualified technician is required.
 Bryston sells your devices with a 20-year warranty, if you’re lucky, it’s still under warranty.
If not, you should look for a well-trained technician, the wiring diagram can be downloaded from:
It is an expensive amplifier with good quality components and a professional is definitely needed to repair it.
Believe me, I have fixed on several Bryston and I am also listening to music on a Bryston 3b.


Sandeep Ratra
Sandeep Ratra picture

I shall do as you advise.
However I shall like to know what could be the reason for the fault.
Thanks anyway.


hifista picture

That cannot be said that way.
The device must be disassembled and measurements taken.
The most likely possibility of an error is a short circuit in the speaker output.
It would be a good idea to test the speaker and the cable what used on the faulty side, as there may be a short circuit in it as well.
Optimistic version: the overheating protection prohibits operation and other components are faultless. In the worst case, the end transistors are short-circuited.


Sandeep Ratra
Sandeep Ratra picture

I should and will follow your initial advise.
Many thanks.