Amigos eu estou precisando de ajuda dos senhores .
Tenho um Multiteste NISHIZAWA (HYOKI) que tem uma resistencia (Resistor Ohms ) aberta em uma escala.
Eu não tenho o manual de Usuario e nem o esquema de conserto manutenção.Estou enviando uma foto também
Desde ja fico imensamente agradecido.
(QSL do Brasil)
Sao Paulo /SP
Friends I am in need of help from you. I have a NISHIZAWA Multitest (HYOKI) that has an open resistor (Ohms Resistor) on a scale.
I don't have the User manual or the maintenance repair scheme.
I'm sending a photo too Since already I'm immensely grateful. Hugs.
Friends I am in need of help from you. I have a NISHIZAWA Multitest (HYOKI) that has an open resistor (Ohms Resistor) on a scale X1.
I don't have the User manual or the maintenance repair scheme.
I'm sending a photo too Since already I'm immensely grateful. HugsFriends I am in need of help from you. I have a NISHIZAWA Multitest (HYOKI) that has an open resistor (Ohms Resistor) on a scale X1.
(Instruction Manual
English )
Friend, I managed to download the Manual for the Analog Multitester 3004
NISHIZAWA. They are the same instrument, I need to know how much uA the Galvanometer coil has? Thank you very much friend
SP/SP Brazil
I think it is 30µA instrument, because it's write in switch label.
If work good in x100 then trace from switch serial resistor is open circuit, or switch contact burned.
Add a photo from bottom side of PCB,