Saya sedang memperbaiki emx5014c...permasalahannya saat saya hidupkan tekan tombol power...power supplay hidup normal beberapa detik lalu mati lgi....saya sudah cek smua transistor power...kondis i transistornya bagus smua setelah saya ukur dengan avo meter....mohon penjelasan master...
I'm fixing the emx5014c ... the problem is when I turn it on, press the power button ... the power supply plays normal for a few seconds and then turns off again ... I've checked all the power transistors ... conditions i transistor is good all after I measure it with avo meter .... please explain master ..
I have the same mixer with the same problem. The power supply tests OK with normal voltages. When the Orange wire from the Power Amplifier is plugged in, the voltage on the +BL terminal increases from +46 volts (normal) to +70 volts (DC measurements) which causes shutdown.
Something is causing +BH voltage in the PA to feed into the +BL but haven't been able to trace it with the schematics available on the internet. (resolution too low)
Anyone have a decent schematic or suggestions, please?