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Pioneer deh2790mp not reading cd, error 12

Pioneer deh2790mp car audio not reading CDs, and giving Error 12. Initially, I could use a cleaner disc, but now it is not reading CDs at all. I suspect that the little motor that turns the CDs is faulty. I don't know where to find the parts.  Please help. TY.

Mr._V. picture

Now not motor (rotator) problem!
First step: laser bean light the disc... if light mirrored (CD inserted status read), start rotation. You laser power too low, not enough light reflection to start TOC reading process, CD not inserted or unreadable status.

Cleaner disc unusable, fake product! Not need clean pickup. I'm used more than 15 years car CD without problem, without cleaning.
Cheapest laser heads lost light in many years. If available one potentiometer in a pickup side or back, please measure! Standard 650-450ohm in original position. Change minus 50-100 ohm and test. If not read, change another 50-100 ohm. If CD rotating...
Hear the pickup sound! If silent, read correctly, good. If "scratching", sine sound, change back plus 20-30 ohm to silent running.

One pickup max 3-4x adjustable to trimmer poti position less than 100 ohm. Less than 50 ohm, need change the pickup.
This procedure very easy (i'm used more than 10 years). The professional procedure need service manual, testpoints and oscilloscope.