Szia Jaca!
Részemröl nem keverném a mechanikai nullazast egy elektromos kiegyenlitessel! Utobbi a telep öregedesenek-egyeni ertekenek hasznalhatosagat tesz lehetöve-egyseges vegkiterest biztositva, s emiatt elallitod az alap nullat minek a jusztalasa nem örök életü-sztem kerülendö. Ra kellene nezni egy ilyen müszerre, hogy van-e belsöbb reszen trimmere..
Nos, még az ejjel feltoltam par doksit a CA-tol, pl. a MAN-X_TOP komplett SM-t, s extra kapcsolasirajz gyüjtemenyet is-erdemes bele nézni/ned...
@ vanduchung;
These equipment apply a constant-current generator and do measure voltage drop on the unknown resistor--so isn't needed such zeroing element...
Thank you for your usefull information . First time in my life I see multimeter without VR to balance Zero point . You can introduce me the documents to explain about it
In cheap multimeters resistance is measured by applying a certain voltage and measuring the current on the DUT. The applied voltage is the internal battery, that is not a contant voltage due to discharging. A VR is needed to set full scale deviation at shorted inputs.
In this instrument the influence of the battery voltage change is eliminated by some circuit. I don't know the details, but it can be a voltage stabilizer. Even that has to be adjusted, but not before each measurement. There should be an internal VR for this purpose. It is part of the calibration procedure, not the daily use.

You can use this to adjust to zero.
Szia Jaca!
Részemröl nem keverném a mechanikai nullazast egy elektromos kiegyenlitessel! Utobbi a telep öregedesenek-egyeni ertekenek hasznalhatosagat tesz lehetöve-egyseges vegkiterest biztositva, s emiatt elallitod az alap nullat minek a jusztalasa nem örök életü-sztem kerülendö. Ra kellene nezni egy ilyen müszerre, hogy van-e belsöbb reszen trimmere..
Nos, még az ejjel feltoltam par doksit a CA-tol, pl. a MAN-X_TOP komplett SM-t, s extra kapcsolasirajz gyüjtemenyet is-erdemes bele nézni/ned...
@ vanduchung;
These equipment apply a constant-current generator and do measure voltage drop on the unknown resistor--so isn't needed such zeroing element...
Thank you for your usefull information . First time in my life I see multimeter without VR to balance Zero point . You can introduce me the documents to explain about it
In cheap multimeters resistance is measured by applying a certain voltage and measuring the current on the DUT. The applied voltage is the internal battery, that is not a contant voltage due to discharging. A VR is needed to set full scale deviation at shorted inputs.
In this instrument the influence of the battery voltage change is eliminated by some circuit. I don't know the details, but it can be a voltage stabilizer. Even that has to be adjusted, but not before each measurement. There should be an internal VR for this purpose. It is part of the calibration procedure, not the daily use.