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Akai DPS24 hard drive squeaking

I've a 17 yr. old DPS24, that I love. The hard drive has begun squeaking as it rotates which makes it really difficult to record with an open mike near the unit. Can I open it up and lubricate the hard drive shaft in any way?  Does anyone know where I can send this for refurbishment?

mindigehes picture


No! No way! Do not open the drive!!!!

You have to find out the exact type of the hdd, and find a new one.. (ebay.. etc...). If the original is working, get it out form your unit, and clone it to the new one with Norton Ghost. (Old version.. older, then better!!!) You can find it by google, search for "hiren's boot cd"... Use an OLD ONE!!!

You have to use an old PC, whit PATA disk interface. Do not use USB adapters...  The old ghost versions does not support it.

I had an issue with an other AKAI unit. Older, with MO drive too, i got fixed it with ghosting the pata drive to a new one.