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Asus K55VD GT610M rev 3.1 laptop motherboard fan always to max speed

A greeting to the whole forum. I wanted to ask you more experts about this old k55vd laptop.
I have this problem, the fan since I turn it on always runs at maximum.
I replaced the thermal paste; before closing everything I tried but the problem remains.
With boardview I follow the tachometer and the pwm that lead me to u3001 at pin 47 fan tache at pin 31 pwm.
Has anyone experience on this?
Thank you!

the laptop harware is
ssd256 gb kingstone
i7 3640
8 gb ram

pogifej picture

In my opinion there is a corrupt bios content problem. You have to try write a correct content to bios chip. If there is an official process to this (I don't know because this is an old laptop) you are lucky. You can do this process with a usb stick what contain the latest .bin file. The more difficult process of writing a bios chip is direct programming, using the right hardware and software.


AzzA picture

Hi guy,
More things may be involved, 
please check
fan always on bios option
proper operation of heat sink // check the heat sink dissipation of the pipe
use very thin good quality thermal pad or paste
can cause fault in the cpu temperature sensor
if faulty CPU