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Bang & Olufsen (BEOVISION) MX3500, MX5500, LX5500 televíziók tipikus hibái

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Die Bogener ebben a fórumban arról ír, hogyan teszteld és javítsd a Bang & Olufsen MX3500, MX5500 és LX5500 típusú televíziók tipikus hibáit.

Erről a szörnyetegről van szó:

Néhány hibajelenség a sok közül, amiről szó esik:

  • The MX is almost dead. The Red Light on the top is on, if you press TV the MX tries to power on, the Light turns to green for one second and then it powers off again
  • The MX has serious trouble with the teletext. Missing or wrong text, wrong colours or does not power up
  • The MX makes a sudden power off, very similar to a power fault in the power supply. The time between this defects becomes shorter, sometimes it's a loud "Bang" and the MX switches off
  • The MX has vertical stripes on the left, visible on dark surfaces like an echo, the stripes are a little bit brighter than the black background
  • ...