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Braun MX 32 blender: metal block with knives stuck

I inherited this beautifull blender from my mother, who couldn't use it any more. Reason: the metal part that has the blender-knives is stuck.
This part has the glass blowl screwed on top of it, and should normally come out of the lower motorblock, without turning or whatever.
But it 's like she used a tube of superglue to fix it to the motorblock.
Which as you can imagine, isn't really handy when it comes to empty the glass recipient: I have to unplug the blender, and tilt the whole of the machine to get the blended material out of it...

Has anybody an idea what to do, to loosen this metal block again? I 'm afraid to use something liquid, lest it would drip into the motorblock...

Thank you for your time!