Hey elektrotanya-team!
I really like the way you think and you collected a great archive on this page! :)
The only annoying thing I had to recognize, is the overview on the provided contents... I could help you by setting up a wiki (mediawiki, dokuwiki,...) so the database can be taken care of more easily. Also it would be easier to translate certain articles into many different languages by you/the community.
Go on with this great work, you are awesome!
Contact me if you are interested in this idea:
Besten Dank für die Komplimente in Namen der Tanya-Leute und schönen Gruss nach Schwabach, zum Jugendzentrum!_Bist Du die einzige Person dort oder hast bitte ev. auch eine persönliche Nahme? :yes: ...
Merci und mfg