Hello all!
I have a project that is taking two signals, roughly about 10KHz, do some math on them and then output it to one single analog output. Think of it like taking two sine waves of different frequencies, adding them together, and then output one combined, complex wave.
I was looking at an Arduino solution and I found that I couldn't get it to sample faster than 1 sample every millisecond for one analog input. That wasn't going to work. So I abandoned Arduino as a solution for this.
Then I found this thread;
Now I'm thinking that Arduino might just be the way to go with this! So... my question is, is there a good tutorial for generating analog output?
Thanks for any help you guys might have!!
Take a look at the reference of the analogWrite() function here:
I am not sure what are your speed and resolution requirements but the PWM-based DAC solution might be too slow and inaccurate for you. If this is the case you might want to use one of the Arduino models with built-in DAC, like Due, MKR,Nano 33 IoT and Zero or use an external DAC chip connected to the I2C or SPI bus.