Hi Sir, I'm a DIY with a FCC Radiotelephone Operator Lincense now living in Europe, anyway, I own a Sony TC-K501R Cassette Deck that needs the power supply transformer to be replaced (Sony Part #1-448-106-11), I'm having a hard time to find it new or used.
So, my question is any Sony model which its model code ends in ES has the same power supply?;
I've checked the Service Manual and the model TC-K501ES has 3 voltages power supply transformer, I beleive are 110V, 220V, and 240V 50/60 Hz internally adjusted; this is the power supply I'm looking for and I can't get.
So, I have thought out of getting any Sony model broken unit if its model name ends in ES for recycling its power supply transformer which I could use in my cassette deck unless you're able to tell me about any scrapping electronics components online store which may have it in stock.
Thank you!