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ipod nano dfu mode

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Bagoly69 picture


Egy kis segítség kellene.
Szeretném megkérdezni Tőletek, hogyan kell az Apple iPod nano készülékemet DFU modba tenni.

Előre is köszönöm!

jbussh picture

Entering DFU Mode
Entering DFU Mode on the nano is a little tricky. I had done so by doing the following:

Connect the iPod to a PC running Linux.
dd the firmware partition and the MBR to backup files (dd if=/dev/sdX1 (replace X with the letter assigned to the device) of=nano-of.bin; dd if=/dev/sdX1 of=mbr.bin count=1)
dd some random data to the firmware partition to trash it (dd=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX1); let it run until it can't anymore.
Disconnect, reset (MENU+SELECT), then reattach it to the PC.
Reset it again while it's still connected, then immediately hit BACK+PLAY.
A picture of the dock connector cable should appear, along with the Apple support URL. This is DFU mode.
(Note: I attempted to enter DFU mode on a nano with a working firmware. However, the key combination didn't work, confirming that DFU mode is only accessible when the iPod's firmware is damaged in some way.)

Some tools that may be useful to try out on the nano's DFU mode:

xpwn, used to generate custom iPhone firmwares, but may do something on the nano as well.



jbussh picture

For the iPod Nano 2nd gen:

“To access DFU mode, reset the iPod with MENU+SELECT, then press and hold BACK+PLAY. A picture of the dock connector should appear with the Apple support URL; according to lsusb, this is DFU mode… it seems that you have to first trash the firmware before you can access it.” (thanks to LambdaCalculus37)

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Bagoly69 picture

Köszönöm válaszod.
Azonban a hiba forrása az,hogy teljesen lemerült a készülék.És nem hajlandó bekapcsolni.Villogtatja az alma logót.iPhone tulaj is vagyok és ezért gondoltam a DFU modot,mert ott ez megoldás a hibára.De itt azonban a DFU mod elérésének feltétele a bebootolt készülék...
Van esetleg valami más ötleted miért csinálja ezt?


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