Hello! At the start of this TV, the TESLA logo appears, it stays on for a while after which it goes out (the backlight goes on) and the logo reappears and the issue is repeated. I changed the MX25L1605 flash memory loaded with software found on a Russian forum, but nothing changed.Someone has the appropriate usb update software ?
It is equipped with : Mainboard : 5844-A7N01G-0P30 VER 00.07. On a white label: SJX-QC JX11-11
On the other: 17C0005M01237
Display : SDL320HY(CD0-720)(14) REV : R1
Type : ST3151A05-8
CELL: TA810162BA07
Thanks in advance!
2021, August 24 - 15:24
Tesla is serbian tv ask for original dump file from fanzo.org.
Thanks for the reply, I registered on their forum, it remains to be seen if I receive any reply.